7777 CryptoTygerz are algorithmically minted in a joyful range of colors and traits.
Every CryptoTyger gives to hiw owner a bunch of benefits, included the breeding feature, available for the owner of at least two pieces*

* Limited amout of BabyTygerz are available.



7/7 (MINT DAY) Steaks are served on golden plates, CryptoTygerz are noticing the food offer with interest.

17/7 CryptoTygerz are finally revealed

27/7 The Legendary Tygerz arrive to the jungle

31/7 Prizes are delivered to their respective owners

8/8 BabyTygerz are born

18/8 Things....



common - uncommon - rare - super rare - legendary



n. of traits



1 - 2 - 3


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